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05 May 2010


Josh Hanagarne

Madame S., thanks for being a great hostess. The interview was a lot of fun. I love what you're doing here. I'd love it even if I couldn't look at my own hideous face on your exquisite blog!


"We can deal with words, yes we can."

*clap*clap*clap* on that sentiment. My blog posts are consistently lengthy, but whereas I'm probably just enabling my babbling, the lengthy posts written by others that I enjoy reading are driven by substance. The brief ones tend to sound cranked out and fluffy, bearing little takeaway value for me personally.

A second round of applause now for The World's Strongest Librarian! I've only recently discovered Josh's blog and am thoroughly enjoying it, as I just did his interview here. An engaging voice, and I look forward to reading his book, which is on its way to my doorstep :)

This blog is likewise a new discovery for me--will be following it as a writing resource. Thank you for the insights!


Thank *you* Josh. And you ain't half as ugly as you think you are!

Monkey, very nice to meet you! Don't get me started on the whole 'posts should be short and snappy'. I could rant on for an age and maybe one day I will!

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