When I ran my most recent Creative Identity Workshop, I harped on and on about the importance of setting boundaries and about making time to write, daily. This is something that is very close to my heart because when I used to work at all hours, mostly away from home, in an utterly non-creative job, I always made time, no matter how shattered, to write. Proof is here, in fact.
Hence you can imagine my delight when last week I came across Bindu's online writing project, one that combines daily writing targets (800 words per day over 21 days) while breaking off to condition ourselves with a little bit of yoga.
DON'T LEAVE! I know that when I mention yoga (or Tracy Anderson) people space out at best and click away at worst, they feel sick and go weak at the knees, but this project does not require you to become a yogini overnight, neither is anyone going to spank you unless you hand in 800 words daily to Master Bindu herself.
This project is not about making you feel like a failure because you can't do a firefly (neither can I, if you must know) or because you can only squeeze out 500 words today. Its aim is to connect many people who are facing the same creative challenges, making time being one of the prime suspects. And not less importantly, as a person who is in ongoing recovery from a spinal injury, I cannot stress enough the benefits to get off our butt and do something as effective as yoga for as little as 20 minutes a day.
I started my practice only a year ago and, no kidding, I couldn't touch my toes without bending my knees. Three months in and I could twist my limbs into a nice eagle. By Christmas I was bending backwards and doing camels. I am finally just short of placing my palms flat on the floor. I hope you will consider this exercise in setting goals for yourself and in taking some time out of your day to do something slightly more active than what you may be used to. You will find that both your work-in-progress and your body may well thank you for it.
We start tomorrow and there's still time to sign up!

i found you through bindu's site... looking forward to doing this challenge with you.
i started yoga 6 months ago and am stunned at how quickly i am improving! yoga rocks!
Posted by: ABCcreativity | 08 June 2010 at 18:48
Yes, I was thrilled myself! With my spinal injury I never thought I could bend over backwards and now I can and I am shocked and pleased in equal measure!
Posted by: Steph | 08 June 2010 at 19:26
Am with you Stephanie. I'm finding even my simple commitment to 21.5.800 has created a giant leap forward for me.
Lovely to find you.
Posted by: Flora | 10 June 2010 at 01:31
I can't believe I said "Stephanie". (I was thinking about my friend Stephanie.) I meant to say Stephanella!
Posted by: Flora | 10 June 2010 at 01:33
Flora, I am thrilled you stopped by! And don't worry, everyone calls me Steph anyway (well... when they don't call me 'other names' of course!).
Posted by: Steph | 10 June 2010 at 18:47