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19 July 2010


London Agent

Ah bless, you can always count on print cartridges to strike, can't you? Great post, it made me chuckle as I receive plenty of submissions in many different sorry states... Let's hope they read this and realise that to present oneself professionally is as vital as good writing.


Oh no! Now I can't remember if I put in a sae for the critique - and if I didn't, I really did mean to as yes, it was one of the factors for entering.
I also not sure now if I put in a bio ...

*hangs head in shame


and I obviously get confused about to, too and two ... okay, just bin my entry now ...

Sophie Playle

Brilliant post. I run a small-press magazine and I come across this stuff all the time. Makes me want to bang my head against the wall.


You tell 'em baby - this is utterly kick-ass!
Brilliant...you are just brilliant....
...and you make me laugh.
Every agent should refer writers to this post in their submission guidelines.
Can't wait to see the anthology


Hehe, this made me laugh but at the same time I wondered whether I made any of these mistakes. Hope not. I know for sure I didn't use the story as a coaster since I e-mailed it. ;)

Kate Baggott

While I was on vacation, the post attempted to deliver a registered letter with a UK postmark on it. They held it for seven days and returned it to the sender on or around 16 July before I could pick it up. Was it, by chance, you?

Miss Understanding

Thank you for your very funny and informative post. I'm now going to use this as a checklist for future submissions to make sure I don't make any of these mistakes. But dear agents and publishers, please bear in mind, no matter how much a writer revises, reviews and obsesses over their writing something will invariably sneak under the radar.(Hmm, is that a cliche? Must go check my Penguin Book of Cliches...)


Wow, this made me laugh until I cried. Of course, that is likely because I didn't enter the competition.

I wish I would have come across your site earlier; I would have liked to enter.

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