Thoughts fly and words go on foot. Therein lies the drama of a writer.
–Julien Green–
Ah Friday, my favourite posting day! I love it when I have to come up with a little writing prompt because, despite the philosophical beauty of theory, there is nothing like writing itself. This week I've told you a bit about Roald Dahl and his suggestions for aspiring writers and on Wednesday I interviewed the first artist to be featured on here. Today I would like you to apply one of Dahl's ideas, but do not sit on it, do not wait for the perfect pictures, do no wait for inspiration, do not wait for the perfect day at all. Make some time tonight or at lunchtime and try this:
Build a very small character-board: get a magazine, cut out one image of a person, and three images of items that this person owns. Do this really quickly. Stick these down in your notebook and write 'There was no possibility of taking a walk that day'. Now use all of this as your prompt for a short, short story of 600 words max.