We only see and understand others according to our character and way of life.
–Rabbi Tsadok HaCohen of Lublin–
I find that I cut much more slack to everyone I know than to myself. In fact, I never cut myself any. I am not planning to get into the psychological reasons for this, especially because they would be sofa-psycho-talk of Oprah-variety involving women's roles these days and the post-feminist bubble and... just spare me. But when I think of these things I wonder whether we could all do better with ourselves if we treated our daily blunders as endearing, hilarious episodes off the pages of a book. Earlier this week I showed you what Lynne Truss and Chris Pascoe can do; could you be slightly less demanding with yourself if you were a character?
Write a description of yourself as if you were a character off a book. Use the traits that really annoy you in order to make fun of this character and to endear him (or her) to your reading public.
