We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.
–Oscar Wilde–
I don't remember skies as starry as the ones I used to observe as a child. We used to live in a semi-rural location that enjoyed a lot of good, dry weather in the summer, so it is now obvious that this was the reason one could see millions of stars while people in big cities never get a moment of true darkness. Have you ever wondered why the Great Bear doesn't quite look like a bear at all? And does Orion's belt look like one of the belts you've got in your wardrobe? Probably not. I always felt that finding pictures in a starry sky was not unlike looking at the clouds and seeing faces, things, animals in them. We've already been cloud-bathing, now let's try star-gazing...
Get a pic of a starry sky and connect the dots so that you've got a couple of shapes. Write a story explaining why you've got that image in the sky or even an autobiographical note that explains why you see it.