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« Try This | Main | The Tractable Apostrophe »

20 September 2010



Great post! and your schedule today? join the club!!! Ugh!


I’m probably going to end up in deep doo doo for this but neither you nor my spellchecker can hit me from there and I do regard the exercise as a chance to express my opinion. So, lie as in sleep, lay as in egg, laid as in sex.

That makes me remember the man who said he first met his wife at a dance and she was the most beautiful girl on the floor. He never forgot how lovely she looked lying there.

What matters to me when writing fiction is using conversation to move the story along and since many of my stories involve south and east Londoners ‘as she is spoke’ can be more important than correct grammar. For example, this is a snippet of conversation from my story ‘The Hard Man’:

‘Shame,’ said Sid, looking over his pint at me. ‘It ain’t right not knowing how to look after yerself. Come down to the allotment and I’ll let you have a few pertaters.’
‘Pertaters, Sid?’ I asked, miffed because he hadn’t said how sorry he was about Grace. Everyone I told my story to said how sorry they were they were about Grace, if only to stop me repeating it.
‘You gone mutton in your old age?’ Sid asked.
I sat up and took notice. ‘Mutton, Sid?’
‘Mutt and Jeff, you dozy sod.’
For the first time in a long time, I laughed. ‘No Sid, I ain’t gone deaf. It’s just that it’s been a long time since I heard spuds called pertaters.’
‘Yerse,’ he said, not taking offence. ‘I thought it must be something like that.’

There you have it Steph. While I’m not a rebel, I am inclined to go off at the odd tangent. I hope you’ll let it lie.



Lisa... I've caught up with the schedules (although... it is Tuesday evening!).

Mark... just SPLENDID!


What about the schedule schedule where you co-ordinate the other schedules. If you get behind on that, you're screwed ;-)

(Agree vehemently with the rest of your post. Definitely not an error to be taking laying down!)


Fantastic post!!

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