The ways of the internet are unpredictable dear reader. I first came across today's writer over a year ago, as I was investigating the Zeitgeist whilst sitting in the garden, squinting at the dim screen and slurping up a pint of Pimm's through a straw. I don't recall what brought me to his online home (very unusual), but I do remember what infuriated me about it: a misplaced it's (very usual). Within seconds I had clicked off in disgust, cursing the guy as an illiterate, vulgar prick. Months later, I started noticing his messages in my Twitter feed, re-broadcast by some of my posse whom I deemed 'lacking in good judgment', scoff, snort, tsk, barf. But soon after, as is often the case online, we were talking to each other. We bonded over Jack The Ripper (which you must go and watch RIGHT NOW), over the merits of beards, over writers' egos and penises (his own, my own, my horse's... a castrating experience for a female writer if there ever was one) and so on. The leap from profound irritation to Gmail threads fifty messages long is as disconcerting as it is annoying because you really don't want to find things in common, shallow or profound, with someone you labeled illiterate and vulgar and a prick. Now we have pet names for each other; I call him Tiny. Last week I bought his book so that you don't have to. But then... maybe you should. You should because I think...
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