It’s past 4.30 pm and I do find it slightly odd that I should be sitting here, committing thoughts to screen, as I’m still in the middle of the holidays. I’m not one of those over-zealous, weird creatures who return to work the day after the party; I like to protract Time Off as much as possible. I’m returning to England at some point on Saturday afternoon and will resume work doings on Monday morning. If I could, I would go from plane to office, but I do have things to sort out, such dogs to pick up and a shower that doesn’t work. And maybe a fridge to stock up as well. Meanwhile, I’m having what I can only describe as One Heck of a Great Time, as I live on a diet of pistachios, champagne, video-games, cakes, new shoes and new books. I planned for many days this interim post, part-review, part-greeting, yet in truth my thoughts are scattered as they flit from book to book. I brought a few with me and bought a few in a few different languages. Yesterday seemed like a good time to crack open the new diary and send it forth to prosper in 2012 with a list that enumerates items as disparate as ‘learn Chinese’, ‘buy a bed’, and ‘lose ten pounds’ (because, I don’t know about your New Year’s Day lists, but mine aren’t really mine unless they include a bit of self-flagellation). What I’ve yet to add to the... Read more →