Three years ago I bought one of those little 5-year diaries, you know the sort? The ones that allow a few lines per day and you update it every day for a year, then start again and so on for five years? I have this one. I've shown up every day since 1st Jan 2014, even though I must confess that, while the premise is to record 'events most worthy of consideration', in many places I slid into a veritable compendium of the boring and the mundane. Several days over this past summer were merely recorded as 'NALGO' [=web-speak for 'not a lot going on' if you don't know, but you know now] which is as far from the raison d'être of these diaries as one could possibly get. But still, now that I am filling in year three and already have two to compare, I am having quite a lot of fun in remembering where I was and what I was doing exactly on day X, including on 'NALGO' days, which mostly qualified as 'working from Nero, not much happening', a blur of sameness. But there's another reason for 'NALGO'. 2015 has been a thorough disappointment. It's been more than a disappointment, it's been a total kick in the teeth, only topped by 2010 and 2012 [God, why so many ghastly years so close together!]. At the end of the year we are all on our blogs and sites, all celebrating the wonderful things we have and we do,... Read more →