When I think about writing and its processes I always like to do so from a creative perspective. It is what interests and excites me; in fact, it takes up my days in their entirety. However, I concede that, if one wants to become a pro, being aware of possible professional pitfalls is as important as getting down to the page itself. This is the reason why today I decided to pen a tale of caution regarding a certain type of ads that regularly scream at people from the pages of writing magazines and from most related websites. The purpose to do so is to shatter your romanticised dreams about a reality that just does not exist in the way it is imagined by most people. Get Paid To Read! Become A Proofreader! Ah my dear reader, wouldn't it be wonderful to read for a living? Imagine that! There you are, sitting by the pool in your back garden, a fresh manuscript in your lap, the glass of sangria on the side table and the red pen poised for attack. As time slips by, you tick each faultless page, slowly nodding to yourself in agreement as you reach the end of yet another gripping chapter. And did you not just start two minutes ago? Look, it's already time to ring for a curry! Well, Confucius did say that if you find a job you love, you will never have to work another day in your life. Let me tell you... Read more →